Interview with chef Matteo Padoan

Interview with chef Matteo Padoan

Born in Treviso, Chef Matteo “Teo” Padoan is a nationally and internationally recognised cook and carver. Member of the F.I.C. Association (Italian Cooks Federation), captain of the carving team of the province of Treviso, Chef Matteo reaches several times the world top in culinary art competitions. In 2016 he took part in the cooking Olympics (carving art) in Erfurt, Germany, winning the bronze medal after a challenge that saw more than 170 countries compete for the gold with 4000 participants from all over the world. In 2017 he won gold at the Italian championships in Rimini.  In February 2018 he counts two medals also in the national championships. Silver in the “Opere Pronte” category (where the work is created before the event), and bronze medal in the “Live” competition (where the creation is carried out on site). In October of the same year he competed in the World Championships in Luxembourg, winning two silver medals in the Ready-made and Live categories, and finally, a bronze medal in “Intaglio vegetali pronti” (a discipline that involves carving previously prepared vegetables). These results put him among the top ten carvers in the world. After a professional period in his hometown, Chef Teo moved to the Riviera Romagnola where he worked for the best restaurants and hotels on the coast, conquering both eyes and palates by presenting his dishes and artistic creations. Today he successfully manages the kitchens of a well-known hotel in Jesolo, alternating his work in the kitchen with his competitive commitments.

Chef Matteo, thank you for agreeing to meet us and for granting us this interview. As you know we at Etichetta Veneta are constantly looking for great professionals in our area to tell their personal and professional stories and the path that led them to success. We want to share these stories so that they can be an inspiration to those who want to embark on an entrepreneurial and professional career.

Do you prefer Chef Matteo or Teo?


Who is Chef Matteo Padoan?

Matteo was born in Quinto di Treviso 43 years ago. He is the son of mum Elsa, dad Gelindo and brother of Luana. Today he is happily engaged to Valentina. I’m a very simple, humble person who doesn’t particularly like the spotlight. I carry out my work with commitment and passion and I consider myself quite lucky from a professional and personal point of view.

When did your passion for cooking begin?

I can say that I have had this passion since I was a child. I remember with nostalgia the wonderful moments spent in the kitchen helping grandma Ines and mamma Elsa. When I think back to those moments, the scents, sounds and sensations that cannot be forgotten come to mind. I can still hear the voices of my mother and grandmother, busy in the small kitchen in Badoere, in the province of Treviso. I can still see grandmother Ines’s big, rough hands patiently and skilfully kneading the flour to make the crostoli during carnival time. Even as a child I was eager to learn and delighted in helping my grandmother by preparing the eggs for her incomparable Tiramisù.

Later, after a career in construction, my father Gelindo took over a small fishing lake in Quinto di Treviso. Over the years, my father decided to increase the offer for our customers by creating a real restaurant “Il Mali Club”, open at all hours. For my family, it’s a fortunate and satisfying time, and for me, of course, a training and education camp. As you can see, I practically grew up in the kitchen, and with me my passion for cooking. A passion that is still young, dynamic and alive.

Do you still have Grandma Ines’ tiramisù recipe?

Yes of course and I use it too.

Can you tell us some secrets?

Nooooo !!!!!!!

Can you tell us about your course of study to become a chef?

After compulsory schooling, I attended the Treviso hotel school. At that time the school was still named after the Italian actor and gastronome Giuseppe Maffioli (Padua, 28 April 1925 – Treviso, 3 June 1985 ), who is credited with the paternity of Radicchio Rosso di Treviso and the first historical identification of our dessert par excellence: Tiramisù. Through the pages of his quarterly magazine “Vin Veneto”, Maffioli attributed the birth of Tiramisù to a recipe prepared by the chef, Roberto Linguanotto, at the “Alle Beccherie” restaurant in Treviso. Today the institute is named after the journalist and food and wine expert Massimo Alberini (Padua, 11 April 1909 – Venice, 4 May 2000). I attended for five years from 1992 to 1997, gaining a qualification in the first three years and a diploma in the next two. I remember that in 1992 there was a project underway called “Project 92”, a change from previous courses in that practice was supplemented by an increasingly extensive and demanding theoretical part, with the study of foreign languages and international cuisine.

Several times at the top of international competitions, among the top ten carvers in the world. When did you realise you had this great talent inside you?

I took my first steps towards Food Art during my time in Rimini. In 2004 I was working at a well-known hotel in Rimini and decided to take part in a course promoted by the “Accademia Maestri Pasticceri Italiani” (Academy of Italian Master Confectioners) and sponsored by Fugar: a leading company in the production of ingredients for ice-cream parlours and pastry shops. I was immediately fascinated by the carving technique and over the next twelve years I cultivated my passion, trying to improve myself more and more. In 2016, the late Orazio Messina, owner of “Le Golosità” in Bassano del Grappa, contacted me to ask me to join his Food Art group. I had the opportunity to experiment and learn new processing techniques with new raw materials such as pulled sugar, blown sugar, margarine, marzipan, and many others. It was a wonderful experience that I will always carry with me along with the memory of dear Orazio.

In 2019 I was contacted by the provincial president of the Assocuochi association of Treviso, Alcide Candiotto, who proposed me to join the carving team and take over as captain. I accept, and so begins a new adventure between competitions and events.

Chef Matteo Padoan with Orazio Messina
You don’t hear much about these events. Doesn’t it seem strange to you today that cooking has become, in some respects, show business?

We cannot compare our artistic competitions with today’s image of cooking and our profession. Of course we suffer from a lack of media coverage, but the commitment and professionalism that I have witnessed over the years have nothing to envy from the many reality shows that today permeate the television channels and enter our homes. Like so many of my colleagues, I wish that this art, in all its facets, could find more media coverage. It is up to us who are the protagonists to commit ourselves in the future in this direction.

What do you think about the spectacular nature of cooking today?

I don’t mind that our profession and cooking have become so topical today, and that they have a strong following in terms of ratings. We are witnessing a dizzying increase in the number of television programmes, and not only, that talk about cooking. Thousands of digital channels have sprung up that tell the story of Food made in Italy. Recipes, traditions and peculiarities, characteristics that only our country can boast and that are unmatched in the world. However, I would like to warn the many young people who see their future job in this profession, perhaps attracted by the spectacularity it has achieved in recent years. The job of a chef goes far beyond what we see on television. Being a chef and managing a kitchen implies a much broader vision that does not stop at the cooker alone. Supplies, products and collaborators are just some of the countless commitments that a chef faces on a daily basis. In Reality Shows, the protagonists are cooks and dishes: they have to satisfy the palates and judgements of established and starred chefs. But let’s not forget that in real working life, in every small or large restaurant, the only judges you will meet are your customers. They are the ones who will inflexibly assess your work and determine your success or failure.

What is the secret of Chef Matteo and his success in business and competitive dress?

There is no secret to success in one’s profession or passion. Without appearing rhetorical, I can only say that commitment, dedication and hard work are fundamental for success in any field in which you operate. Never think you have arrived. Study, update and compare yourself with colleagues. Try, fail and try again. Today we have technological means that allow us to open a window on the world with a simple click. We must take advantage of this opportunity and make the most of it.

Have you ever thought of working abroad where Italian chefs are in great demand?

Honestly, no. I love my country and I want to continue working in Italy.

There is no doubt that Italian cuisine is the most popular and appreciated cuisine in the world, but we must remember that no matter how much effort we put in, it will never be the same as cooking here at home. Raw materials are fundamental to the success of a good Italian dish and often our compatriots abroad are forced to adapt to the needs and tastes of the locals, thus distorting some of the fundamental rules that distinguish our best recipes.

Unfortunately, we are seeing fewer and fewer young Italian chefs in our national kitchens. In your opinion, what are the reasons for this “talent drain”?

Undoubtedly, the triggering factor is always economic. Entrepreneurs in the sector find themselves forced to deal with labour costs that do not want to fall, and as a result they cannot offer the fair remuneration that a young talent deserves. So they turn to labour that is often foreign, or lacks the skills that a suitable course of study can offer. This is a legitimate attempt to limit costs and to continue operating. Outside Italy, on the other hand, after a proper apprenticeship, our young people are particularly appreciated and, if they are sufficiently prepared, can achieve respectable professional and economic results.

You have managed and still manage kitchens that require a lot of staff. How do you deal with your staff?

Mutual respect is fundamental. It is necessary to be chameleon-like, i.e. to be able to adapt to situations and people. A good dose of empathy is essential. One must know how to be immovable and strict when necessary and at the same time build a relationship of trust and friendship.

Renunciations, sacrifices, obstacles.

Our job involves sacrifices, like many other jobs. Obviously, working in the restaurant industry means giving up ‘normal’ working hours, not having weekends off, sometimes gruelling shifts and much more […]. But everything can be tackled when the love and passion for what you do prevails. Unfortunately, there have been obstacles and there will be obstacles in the future, but we fight them with a positive spirit, relying on ourselves and those around us.

What are they, or what is Chef Matteo’s signature dish?

I honestly don’t have a favourite dish. I like to diversify my cooking by always trying new things. But if I had to give an answer, I would say that risottos and desserts are a small passion of mine. These days, thanks to the natural and organic products produced by my fiancée Valentina Tescari on her farm in Vitorchiano, a small village in the province of Viterbo, I am rediscovering the use of spices such as saffron, fennel, lavender, marigold flowers, rose petals and many others that I combine with my risottos and traditional Veneto dishes.

What are your next commitments?

Let’s wait until 2022 for the Italian championships and the world championships to be held in Luxembourg.

Chef Matteo, why did you choose to join Etichetta Veneta?

Mi piace il Vostro progetto basato sul racconto delle persone e delle loro storie e non semplicemente del prodotto finito. Viviamo un’epoca straordinaria dove però la velocità delle nuove tecnologie ha indubbiamente sottratto uno spazio importante al rapporto umano. Condivido con Voi l’idea di ricerca e di comunicazione e spero di poter dare anche un mio piccolo contributo in futuro.

What advice would you give to young people who want to pursue the same career as you?

Believe in yourself, never stop, but above all do not adapt to the laws of the market. Ask for the right recognition if you deserve it. Passion, dedication and study are your best weapons, use them and you will find the right way to success.

Interview by Abiti Luciano

Interview with chef Matteo Padoan Read More »

Interview with Giuseppe Borin

Interview with Giuseppe Borin – Internet Café – Santa Bona – Treviso

Giuseppe Borin is the owner, together with his wife Antonella Cestaro, of the historic “Internet Caffè” bar with home cooking.  Now an institution, Mr Borin’s bar is located in the Santa Bona district, on the outskirts of Treviso.

Mr Borin, thank you for welcoming us to your premises and for your availability. We would like to start with the question that best captures the sense of our journey in search of the protagonists of the professional life of our territory.  Simple and direct. 

Who is Giuseppe Borin?

“Who is Giuseppe Borin? Good question! Well! Today Giuseppe Borin is a man married to Antonella and father of Davide. Yesterday Giuseppe Borin was a young man who, after his secondary education, decided not to continue, to devote himself body and soul to the family business. It was a well-considered choice and I consider myself a lucky man because I was able to choose. Today many young people don’t have that possibility. In those years, the eagerness, the ardour that moves young people in their search for the future, prevailed.”

How many years have you been running your business?

“I started running the club on 1 January 1978.  This is 2021, so if the maths doesn’t fail me, that’s about 43 years.”

Yours is a family business started by your father and then passed on to you. Do you remember that period?

“Our business never moved from the neighbourhood. So growing up in this environment at that time, being the son of the Oste, was a bit like being everyone’s son. I remember very well the faces of the many people who frequented our place. When I was a boy they all looked so imposing, so mature, men of a mould that has now disappeared. Many of them have gone; taking a little piece of our history with them.”

So many years have passed since then and your place is still here in the same place, in the same neighbourhood where your father opened. How do you manage to adapt to generational changes and new challenges while remaining competitive in the market?

“In 1984 we completely renovated the premises, focusing on a new design. Leaving behind the “Bar-Osteria” style, we focused on a more refined furnishing that satisfied the needs of the times and of the customers. It was a shared path, difficult but appreciated. Of course, I cannot deny that changes are often not accepted by everyone. But if you want to remain up-to-date and competitive in the market, you must never stop renewing yourself, follow the trends of the present and provide a high quality service. At that time we also included the artisan ice cream parlour. I had learnt how to make ice cream from Maestro Guido Franchin of the Tropicana ice cream parlour, who was very well known in the city. He was an extraordinary person from whom I learned a great deal and who gave me secrets that I still treasure. As the years went by, we abandoned ice cream production and concentrated on other products. Cicchetti (which in my father’s time were already a consolidated reality in the Treviso area), ‘masanete’, ‘peoci’, ‘sardee in saor’, ‘capelonghe’, ‘vongoe’, ‘trippe’, ‘musetto col cren’, etc. were and still are a fundamental part of our menu.”

You run your business together with your wife Antonella. How important is the family in this profession?

“For us, as a family-run business, there is no doubt that mutual support and help is essential. My wife Antonella has always been the shoulder to lean on. The backbone of our business. Running a business like ours, which has been going on for many years, involves facing daily challenges, sacrifices, hardships and fatigue. Nothing would have been possible without the support of my wife Antonella. For a while I had Davide at my side: my son. Then Davide chose to take his own path towards new projects and new boundaries. Today he is an established chef working in a large metropolis in Southeast Asia.”

Are you proud of him?

“I am certainly very proud of him. Davide started his working career here in Italy. After his studies, he started some important local collaborations. Just to mention one, the restaurant “Le Querce” in Merlengo di Treviso. This experience taught Davide a lot and he carries it in his heart. After a few years Davide decided to follow his dreams and left for Dubai where he worked in the best restaurants in the city. Today he lives and works permanently in Hong Kong where he collaborates in the management and supply of a major global restaurant chain.”

Do you miss your son?

“My wife Antonella and I have never opposed our son’s choices. In fact, I would say that we were the first ones to encourage him to follow his dreams and ideas. Of course we miss Davide, we miss him a lot. But at the same time we are very happy for him. Davide has found his stability and with it love. He is married to Giada and they both work in the same city.”

Back to you, Mr Borin. Have there been tough moments in your career?

“Fortunately, I have not had any particularly difficult moments to face. Some challenges have been tough: such as adjusting to generational changes, where inevitably some people move away and prefer other paths. These are common occurrences for those who run our kind of business. Perhaps they are less noticeable in central locations or in transit areas. They are more noticeable, however, in peripheral areas like ours, where the regular customer becomes an integral part of your working life and sometimes also of your emotional life.”

Have you ever thought of quitting?

“Honestly, no. Even if, with my age, I can’t deny that I’m thinking about it.”

Can you describe a typical day for you?

“My day starts in the morning. Antonella runs the bar and I start my race against time. Expenses, supplies, searching for fresh produce, payments, etc. – all the commitments we have in our profession. I confess that I like to spend a few moments in the centre of Treviso, specifically in the Isola della Pescheria. A wonderful place in our city where every morning you can find the best fresh fish while enjoying the beauty and authenticity of city chitchat.”

Everyone knows you as “Bepi”. What kind of cuisine does chef Bepi offer?

“We offer a homemade and express cuisine (all made at the moment), simple but with attention to every detail. In addition to the “cicchetterie” I mentioned earlier, we also offer a fish-based cuisine; pasta with different condiments and we are also having a discreet success offering our customers the swordfish spit.”

Would you like to give some advice to young people who want to take up this activity?

“Come on! Come on! Come on!  Joking aside, what I would like to say is that if you have the right spirit inside you, don’t be intimidated by the difficulties, everything can be overcome. Study, application and humility are fundamental characteristics for tackling this job, which, if done with passion and love, can give you extraordinary satisfaction.”

Read the presentation of Internet Cafè

Interview with Giuseppe Borin Read More »

Ecological walk to rediscover “our little world”

Ecological walk to rediscover “our little world”

On 29 May 2021 the TV Nord think tank organised an #ecological walk to raise awareness among the community in the Santa Bona neighbourhood of #Treviso about the problem of street dirt. We at Etichetta Veneta had the honour of participating in the event with this video to the cry of #refusethedirt.
Here is the video directly from our YouTube channel!

Ecological walk to rediscover “our little world” Read More »

Internet Café da Bepi

Internet Café da Bepi

About Us

A family-run bar and restaurant since 1957. Since 1978 it has been run by Giuseppe “Bepi” Borin and his wife Antonella Cestaro.

A bar with “homemade” and express cuisine that has been a point of reference for many years in the Santa Bona district on the outskirts of Treviso.

In addition to the classic menu of the typical bar-osteria, the internet café offers a refined cuisine typical of the Veneto and Treviso areas. Particular attention is paid to fresh, high quality fish products, to the now famous “Bepi’s spit” and finally to Antonella’s tasty mixed boiled meat.

Tel.: +39 0422 435947

Read the interview with Giuseppe Borin!

Some of the specialities of the Internet Café

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    La Bottega Dell’Occhiale

    About Us – Products & Services – Contacts

    Our products and services

    Sunglasses and Eyeglasses

    The shop offers both prescription frames and sunglasses of its own production, original from Cadore and of the most sought-after brands and griffes, as well as a collection of carefully restored vintage glasses. It also supplies all accessories and products for eyewear and eye care.

    Mounting ophthalmic lenses

    Fitting ophthalmic lenses to the frames purchased, whether they be prescription or sunglasses, using modern machinery that allows for quality and precision. All this is included in the purchase price of the frames and lenses.

    Computerized visual inspection

    The service includes a computerised vision check using the latest generation of instruments. All completely free of charge.

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